Better Me. Better World
By Dr Atul Pednekar
Homeopath | Psychotherapist | Yoga Counselor | International Author
Chakra Healing (Level 2)
Certificate Program
The emotions in relation to each Chakra can also be seen as categories of:
Our Potentials – the various Possibilities that we can create through Empowerment
Our Sensitivities and Expectations thereby triggering various emotions
Our Techniques – simultaneously determining our reaction patterns to the various situations.
If we are to tap our full potentials, we can easily see the role of our sensitivities/ expectations as also the techniques we use, towards the actual materialisation of our goals.
Similarly, if Swadhyay is about personal empowerment, then we need to also understand the scope as well as the limitations of this empowerment. This would be possible only if we are able to look beyond ourselves and weigh the possibilities we choose to create, against its effects on the world around us.
Only then would be able to harness our potentials to the fullest and put our energies in creations that;
Meet with least resistance
Rather, get full support from the world
Become self-sustaining
The intention of this program is to achieve deeper balancing and healing of each Chakra so as to attain our goals, whatever they may be.
Towards this purpose, the program includes a detailed study of each Chakra in context with certain Yoga concepts that can help us understand better the laws of creation.
They include;
Ajnya Chakra (Knowledge)
Attachment to our Truths and Dogmatism
Self-Image (Asmita)
Self-Expression and its effects on our communication
Muladhara –
Survival (Abhinivesha) and
Simultaneous reasons regarding the difficulty in following the Yamas (Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha)
Swadhishthana –
Pleasure and its relation to – Raaga and Dwesha
Controller of Karma
Brahmasahastra vs Manipura – Let –go vs My Responsibility
Anahat – Compassion (Parikarmas)
It also includes a study of;
Samskaras responsible for the activation of sensitivities and expectations of each Chakra
Behavioural expressions of each Chakra
Relation of each Chakra with the others, leading to further behavioural patterns
Health conditions in relation to each Chakra.
The logical concept of working on the emotions related to each Chakra
Introducing the concept of Transcending Homeostasis
Pre-Requisite: Emo- Energy Balancing Workshop and Swadhyay (Level 1)
Apr 1 - May 3 (Mon to Fri, 5 weeks; 25 sessions; 75hrs)
Week 1 Apr 1 - 5
Week 2 Apr 8 - 12
Week 3 Apr 15 - 19
Week 4 Apr 22 - 26
Week 5 Apr 29 - May 3
TIME:- Morning 10.00am to 1.00pm (IST) OR 5.30 - 8.30 pm (IST) (Opt for any one batch)
Online Course Fees:- Rs 25,000
Minimum attendance required for certificate:- 80% attendance is required for certificate. (20 full sessions/ 60hrs)
Registration Link:-
Registration Link of Chakra Healing (Level 2 of yoga psychology Courses) will be sent privately via what’s app to those students who have completed the total no. of training sessions of Swadhyay and Emo-Energy Balancing workshop.
Registration link for Chakra healing (level 2 of yoga psychology) is not uploaded on website Because a student may directly register for chakra healing without completing Swadhyay and Emo-Energy (pre-requisite) courses.